PEMF Machine Review
Hypnosis Research A total of 135 patients with IBS were involved in the Simren hypnosis study. The average age of the patients was 41 years. A large number are women. In both studies, participants were divided into two groups. One group pemf machine review performed hypnotherapy 12 times a week for one hour a week, focusing on bowel-related problems. In comparison, the second group was not hypnotized. In one study, a comparison group received 12 weeks of attention from physicians and nutritionists. In other studies, the comparison group paid no special attention. At the beginning of the study, patients ’gastrointestinal symptoms, quality of life, and depression were scored immediately after 12 weeks of treatment, and then patients were scored 6 and 12 months later. Simon says that during the process of hypnosis, the patient is guided into a “relaxed ance state”, where the patient imagines a calm picture, like a slow-flowing river. Simren does not hypnotize any patients. Hypnosis...